We’re now Pear Deck Learning!

Every tutor lives for that lightbulb moment

We believe 1:1 tutoring can change a student's life — and we're always looking for tutors who share that belief. Join our tutor community to support the hundreds of thousands of students already using Pear Deck Tutor.
student at a desk on a video call.

Why join our community of online tutors?

Pear Deck Tutor enables tutors to build connections with learners. We take the behind-the-scenes scheduling and administration off your plate and empower you with award-winning technology, so you can focus on helping students grow and succeed.

Earn steady income

Connect 1:1 with thousands of students and get paid weekly, without invoicing or extra paperwork.

Set your own schedule

As a 24/7, fully remote tutoring platform, you can work whenever and from wherever you'd like.

Use best-in-class tech

Leverage live audio/video chat, virtual whiteboards, screen sharing, and other tools to help your students succeed.

woman smiling sitting at a laptop.

Create engaging, equitable, and differentiated practice

Apply to join our community of virtual tutors if you meet these minimum requirements:
  • Have previous tutoring or teaching experience
  • Can demonstrate mastery of the subjects you want to tutor
  • Speak fluent, easy-to-understand English
  • Hold a degree or are currently enrolled at an accredited university
  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Live in the U.S. or one of the approved countries listed in the FAQ below
  • Are dedicated to successful learning outcomes
Apply Now to be a Pear Deck Tutor

In-person interactivity, virtual versatility

Pear Deck Tutor makes live collaboration between tutors and students a breeze. Students can dive into virtual tutoring sessions in the Lesson Space and leverage the Writing Lab for valuable feedback on writing assignments. As a tutor, you can support students through live tutoring, the Writing Lab, or both!

two Pear Deck Tutor sample tutor views.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope! There are exceptional tutors all around the world, so we welcome international applicants from the following countries: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States (except CA residents).

To maintain our industry-leading quality standards, we require all applicants to be enrolled in or have graduated from a university that is accredited in your country.

To ensure our students receive academic support from the most qualified tutors, we are not currently accepting reapplications.

Our state-of-the-art matching system finds tutoring opportunities that match your area of expertise. Once you log in to your Tutor Dashboard, you'll have 24/7 access to tutoring requests in your selected subjects. Besides on-demand matching, your tutor profile is also discoverable for students browsing for a specific tutor.

They can message you directly to inquire about a tutoring session. Students can also easily favorite tutors or select past tutors, which allows you to build an on-going relationship with your students.

Pear Deck Tutor's shared commitment to help students take the next step in their learning journey is the foundation of our tutor community. We regularly review tutoring sessions and writing feedback to ensure every student is matched with a tutor who’s a subject matter expert, a friendly face, and a supportive guide to greater academic outcomes.

Students are prompted to review their tutor after every live session or writing submission. If you receive a rating that’s less than 3 out of 5 stars, our Customer Experience team will review the session and reach out to you with additional feedback, training, resources, or disciplinary action when necessary.

School administrators also have full visibility into all tutoring sessions, and can contact Pear Deck Tutor with any concerns or praise (the latter is far more common!). To protect Pear Deck Tutor as a safe and productive learning environment for both student and tutor, flagged words or phrases in live sessions instantly alert our Customer Experience team. They handle any infraction promptly and effectively.

During the application process, select “Writing” as one of your subjects to be considered for the Writing Lab. We currently select only tutors from the United States and Canada to become a Writing Lab tutor.

The Writing Lab provides students with asynchronous support for their essays, papers, and other writing assignments. Writing Lab tutors specialize in academic writing. They give detailed feedback in the margin of the submitted assignment and add more general feedback in the “overall notes” section to help hone the student’s writing skills. Writing Lab tutors don’t have to be experts in the subject matter of the assignment.

They are not expected to proofread and they’re not allowed to make any material edits to papers. Writing Lab tutors focus on specific writing feedback, like the organization of content, the clarity of the thesis statement, and proper citation, grammar or punctuation.

You can tutor from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer with fast and steady internet access. We also strongly recommend being in a quiet space that’s free of potential distractions for you or students. We encourage you to use a high-quality microphone or headset to avoid communication issues when using the audio chat.

Enable the live video chat by using the built-in webcam of your computer or plugging in an external one. When using the live video feature in the Lesson Space, make sure that your background is plain and that you’re facing a light or window to optimize the learning experience.

We have seen that the most successful online tutoring happens when it replicates all the best parts of in-person learning. This is why we strongly advocate for the use of live audio and/or video chat during a session. Besides, most tutors would do anything to avoid having to tutor a subject like algebra using only chat!

Join our tutor community

Build student confidence and create better outcomes.