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South Carolina SCPASS Practice Test

How to Prepare Your Students for SC READY and SCPASS with Virtual Practice Tests

Computer-based tests have taken over the South Carolina testing landscape — and that means your students need virtual practice to be prepared for the SC READY and SCPASS tests. Number two pencils to fill in ScanTron bubbles are no longer enough.

Here’s what you need to know about SC READY, SCPASS, and the best way to give practice tests and prep your students for these online tests.


The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Assessment (SC READY) and the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) are two families of tests administered to elementary and middle school students to measure their achievement of South Carolina Academic Standards. SC READY covers English language arts and mathematics, while SCPASS covers science and social studies.

These are the grades and subjects currently tested by SC READY and SCPASS:

  • English language arts (grades 3–10)
  • Mathematics (grades 3–10)
  • Writing (grades 3, 5, 7, 9)
  • Science (grades 4, 8, 10)

None of these are timed, but they are all administered via computer, with exceptions for students or schools that require paper accommodations. The SC READY ELA tests are administered over two days, with one session per day. The SC READY math tests for grades 6 through 8 contain a calculator section and a no-calculator section. The SCPASS science test for grade 6 allows the use of calculators.

Districts are encouraged to administer the grade 3 ELA test early in the testing window, because those results inform whether or not a student can proceed to grade 4 or qualify for Summer Reading Camp, in accordance with the South Carolina Read to Succeed Act.

High school students in South Carolina take End-Of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) exams in subjects including:

  • Algebra 1
  • Biology 1
  • English 2
  • U.S. History and the Constitution

South Carolina school districts are required to administer the ACT WorkKeys career readiness assessments to all students in grade 11. Districts must also provide opportunities for students in grade 10 to take the PSAT, Pre-ACT, or Aspire tests, as well as opportunities for high school students to take the SAT or ACT.

For students with significant cognitive disabilities, South Carolina offers the SC-Alt, a computer-adaptive alternate assessment. SC-Alt provides alternate tests to replace all SC READY, SCPASS, and EOCEP tests for qualifying students.

English language learners are assessed in their proficiency of the English language with ACCESS for ELLs, and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for English learners with significant cognitive disabilities.

Prep Your Students with SC READY and SCPASS Practice Tests

SC READY and SCPASS tests take advantage of the unique offerings of virtual testing technology to provide more in-depth assessments of students’ knowledge and skills. With a mix of multiple choice and technology-enhanced questions — including constructed response, drag-and-drop, hot spot, and drop-down lists — these South Carolina assessments engage students in the process of answering the question on the screen.

In addition to being well-versed in the content they’ll be tested on, your students need to know how to navigate the online testing environment. They need to know how to properly interact with the elements on the screen in order to provide their answers to the test questions.

Virtual practice tests can help build this familiarity.

With virtual practice tests for SC READY and SCPASS, your students will be able to hone their digital test-taking skills. They’ll learn the ins and outs of the testing environment, while also building confidence that they know exactly how to get from point A to point B on the test.

No more worries about whether the technology will trip up your students on test day! Practice sessions — especially when carried out on the same device they’ll use for the real test — ensure that your students know exactly how to use the digital test functions to their benefit. With this sort of prep, there’ll be no question of whether they’re ready or whether they’ll pass. They’ve got these tests in the bag.

SC READY and SCPASS Practice Tests Are Available in Pear Assessment

To make digital test practice for the SC READY and SCPASS tests as easy as possible, sign up for Pear Assessment and log into your account to give digital practice that mimics the look and feel of the test.

The Pear Assessment environment includes many of the digital testing features your students will encounter on SC READY and SCPASS tests, so they’ll be able to hone those test skills while you gain insight on where they might need more practice. You can also administer your own assessments through Pear Assessment, pick from the test library, or assemble an assessment from pre-made items. Questions may be aligned with South Carolina standards to track student mastery. Plus, on Pear Assessment everything is automatically graded, saving you time as the teacher that you can otherwise spend instructing and teaching your students.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to give your students confidence and the best chance on testing day.

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